Tuesday, September 23, 2014

#1 Greetings!

My First Blog Post Everrrrrr!!!

Hey Everyone! Nice to meet you! *shakes hand*
First of all, welcome to my blog :) 

My name is Gabriella. 
Currently, I'm studying at National Taipei University of Business, majoring in International Business.
I'm studying at one of the Uni in Melbourne now ^_^

So, this is actually my first time writing a blog post. I've never had a blog before, so pardon my writing if it seems so amateur-ish :P
Anyway, I'm trying my best to improve my writing skill and I hope this blog can help me to keep on going. 
Like they say, practice makes perfect! ;)

I do have a lot of hobbies and interests, such as shopping (who doesn't love shopping, right? Pretty clothes & makeup, anyone?), movies, music, novels, food (yum!), well...great things in general that makes me happy.

The purpose of this blog is not only to help me practice and improve my English writing skill, but also to share with you guys some random stuff and posts about my daily life as a university student.
So feel free to leave me any feedback and comment down below! Don't be shy ;)
