Sunday, November 2, 2014

#4 Randall's Cyber Listening Lab

So today as this week's assignment, I am going to list some words and their definitions along with the example sentences from two audio clips (College Life and A story to Remember) from Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab.

First Audio: College Life

1. hectic (adjective)
very busy; full of activity
  • I had a really hectic day.
  • Despite their hectic schedules, the two stayed in constant contact.
2. tuition (noun)
the money that you pay to be taught, especially in a college or university
  • He worked as a newspaper seller to pay for tuition at a music school.
  • The cost of tuition at public universities is soaring.
3. scholarship (noun)
an amount of money given to somebody by an organization to help pay for their education
  • If I were you, I would apply for the scholarship.
  • The scholarship made it possible for him to continue his education.

Second Audio: A Story to Remember

1. bizarre (adjective)
very strange or unusual
  • This is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen.
  • I can't believe we're getting involved in something so bizarre.
2. overhead (adverb)
above your head; in the sky
  • I saw a helicopter flying overhead.
  • Should I put my bag in the overhead compartment?
3. therapist (noun)
a specialist who treats a particular type of illness or problem, or who uses a particular type of treatment
  • The therapist agreed that my mind was in good health.
  • His mom worked full-time as a physical therapist.


source: Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab @

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